Integrated Business Processes in SAP S/4HANA

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  • Por
  • Ernst Schulten

231 Páginas, , ISBN: 9783960123200

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This book provides a compact overview of how you can use SAP S/4HANA to map and efficiently control business processes in a company. It gives you an insight into digitalization in these areas. The presentation follows the content of the course that prepares students from universities and colleges of applied sciences as well as prospective SAP consultants for the internationally recognized SAP industry certification exam TS410. Take a deep dive into the processes in internal and external finance, human resources, purchasing, production and sales, maintenance and project management. You will gain an insight into the value creation processes of the financial supply chain. You will also find out what advantages and opportunities new developments in the area of SAP software offer: the SAP S/4HANA system with the in-memory database HANA, the SAP Fiori apps, and SAP Mobile Start.

  • Introduction to SAP S/4HANA
  • Fundamental central concepts
  • Simple examples with practical applications
  • Preparation for the official SAP TS410 certification exam