Extracting Reports

Extracting Reports

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GUI Scripting Basics

SAP GUI scripting can be used for small migration exercises, automating testing or end user tasks including executing reports and extracting data from SAP. This course demonstrates how to record your actions in SAP GUI and incorporate those recordings into MS Excel to automate tasks performed in SAP GUI.

Extracting Reports

This course follows our SAP GUI Scripting course and looks at a particular use case when data is extracted from SAP via SE16. You will use scripting to execute a table content list in SE16, extract the data and automatically load it into Excel. Contains heavy use of Excel and Visual Basic, beginner VB knowledge is useful.  

Scripting Tips and Tricks

This course builds on knowledge gained from earlier GUI scripting courses. Learn how to debug your script, and explore the GUI objects to better understand how to use them. We also look at using GridView controls and building scripts with a login feature.