SAP PP Production Planning: Customizing

SAP PP Production Planning: Customizing

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  • Por
  • Pierre Balbinot

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19 USD al mes

  • 12 meses
  • Licencia única
  • 19 USD 228 USD al año
  • Más de 850 libros electrónicos y tutoriales en vídeo
  • Consejos y trucos de los expertos
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Immersive learning method: we believe in total immersion. Rather than simply presenting functionalities, we take you through the SAP experience through the eyes of Thomas, a fictional character evolving in various roles related to SAP PP. This narrative approach contextualizes each lesson, making learning intuitive and engaging. Course content: Junior SAP PP Consultant role: Ticket resolution and user support. Role of Senior SAP PP Consultant: Implementation of the SAP PP module for a new entity. SAP PP Project Manager role: Analysis of business issues and implementation of advanced functionalities. Each section includes videos, articles and downloadable.

  • Contextualization
  • Junior SAP PP Consultant
  • Senior SAP PP Consultant
  • SAP PP Project Manager
  • Ready for the next step ?